* This important finding gives the wooden houses, the merit to be called ecological. This is achieved thanks to the 'high thermal insulation of wood to achieve the same thermal insulation value of a 10cm wooden wall, we must resort to a brick wall, often between 50 and 55 cm. This leads also to a significant material savings and a gain in size. Recent studies have shown that people who live in one of these buildings, is less prone to stress and heart disease, because, as the wood is a living material, is able to stimulate all the senses in a particular manner, and affects the nervous system by promoting inner calm and relaxation, increasing the feeling of being perceived. One of the data that creates the most buzz, especially among the more skeptical thoughts, is the resistance to fire. It 'a common conviction that a house brick to resist fire, but it is not entirely true: in case of fire, high temperature, tends to work the iron armor, making cracks in concrete form. Following these actions, the structure is visibly deformed and lost all capacities. How true that may be standing, it is also true that remain compromised and must be demolished and rebuilt. The wood, however, thanks to the content of water in its structure, ensures dimensional stability and load-bearing capacity is not changed even in the presence of high temperatures due to a fire. It also ensures their functions, even in the presence of a charred portion, and if so, to restore the aesthetics, will be sufficient to replace only the affected part. The wood is healthier than other materials, even if we look at the part about the durability to weather and attacks by insects or mold.

Various studies have shown how important the seismic characteristics of a wooden house, therefore, the construction in areas prone, you configure much more secure than a brick house. The construction techniques are different, depending on where they are intended. The single wall technique, consisting of plates of variable thickness between 8 and 10 cm, is what is used in places where temperatures remain above freezing. With this method the different companies use different processes: there are those who built the wall table to table, and who, for example, provides pre-assembled panels of the size you want, already with rooms for the various fixtures. It 'much used in locations subject to temperatures ranging below zero, the so-called method of "framing", which consists of a bedroom with a double layer of' air at the center, which in the finished work will have a thickness of about 20 cm, to 'internal insulating layers which are systemical, thermal and acoustic insulation, vapor barriers, etc.. Huts in the mountains, is used the method of construction timber, where the walls are made of whole logs stacked. Those who wish can also plaster the outside walls, covered in stone and so on. Two other points in favor of the wood are the costs and lead times. Compared to a brick building, the costs to build are more than halved, if you think that a wooden house of 70 square meters, assembled by skilled and full of windows, you will spend around € 50,000 digits. We all know that more money should be a similar construction for masonry. Even in the time of installation, the challenge is clearly won by Wood, as a house of 70 square meters, is able to finish in 'period of three to four weeks, this time for a brick house, it only for the foundation.

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